Do You Have Self-Pity?

Hi loving friends

Thank you for being here

We are going to talk about self pity today


Self Pity Comes In Many Forms, The Victim, The Martyr, The Blamer And The Struggler. Which Role Do You Play In Your Self Pity? What Do You Think People Think When You’re In The Victim, Blamer, Martyr Or Struggling Hood? What Do You Think People Go Through When You Are Self-Pitying? The First and the most obvious form of self-pity comes in the form of Victimhood. The person who is suffering, who seems the world is against them, who are swimming upriver, an uphill battle, moan and groan and sigh, and who is feeling very very sorry for themselves, Poor me, my life is tougher than yours, nothing ever goes my way, why me, poor me, it’s too tuff, I have to much to do, etc. A person who plays the victim hood feels justified when playing self-pity. The Second form of self-pity is the martyr. The martyr is usually the silent suffer. A person playing victim wants an audience to whom to speak too but The martyr wants an audience of whom to perform. When you sit down with a victim and say how are you they will tell you all the horror stories, all the terrible things going wrong and how everything is backwards in their life. However, when you sit down with a martyr and say how are you they will probably tell you they are fine, but they hope psychically you will somehow see all the problems they see. If by chance you don’t see the problems then you are just another rock in their shoe of why their life is so miserable, why they are feeling so unappreciated. The third form of self-pity is the blamer. The blamer plays the role of feeling sorry for themselves, Poor me or damsel in distress. The blamer does exactly as the title implies they blame everything and everybody for why their life isn’t working. For example, when you play the blamer role you will blame your mom for not being there for you or giving you enough love or attention while you were a kid. You will blame the mailman for not delivering your mail fast enough. You will blame the store clerk for not scanning your groceries properly, not bagging the eggs correctly and going so dam slow. You will blame your kids for not picking up or putting away their toys if you fall, or step on their toys, darn kids leaving their toys out so I can hurt myself. You will blame your dog for digging too many holes or your cat for waking you up to early, or your neighbour for being too loud, or your friend for being always late, or you will blame your car for not working and starting right away, or you will blame every body saying I wouldn’t be having a hard time if it wasn’t for you or this type of person will look around and only see things wrong, The blamer blames everything and everybody for how their life does not flow smoothly. When you blame You are feeling sorry for your self, poor me, I did not get my morning coffee soon enough that’s why I’m miserable darn coffee was too slow or my paycheck is low because the darn government takes it all with taxes. Most of all a blamer blames themselves. For example, One will Blame themself for not understanding, or Blame themself for not being able to follow simple instructions or Blame themself for not rising up out of the place that they blame others for putting them in, etc., No matter what this blamer person does it’s always someone else’s or something else’s fault for things not going smoothly or working in their life. The fourth type of self-pity is The struggler. Now Victims and martyrs and blamers do struggle, at least take on the appearance of so. What I am mentioning here is the actual Struggler, this type of person does not feel sorry for themselves, so it seems on the surface. They are not critical, but they are struggling and they enjoy their struggle. They do ten extra things and, they will attempt to work ten times harder then anybody else, they will re due things over and over again five or six times and can never seem to get it right, constantly making mistakes, nothing ever goes right, always failing at something, etc. The struggler says I am not complaining but I want you to know and I want you to appreciate all that I am doing for you. This type of self-pity, the struggler has a difficult time getting their reality to work. You may not sound like victim self-pity or look like martyr self-pity but if you are going about blaming and finding as many reasons as you can why something is not working in your life, then you are the blamer self-pity. If you are constantly struggling in life and have to always re due things then you are the struggler self-pity. The ramifications of self-pity are quite obvious. 1 firstly, The victim, the martyr, the blamer, the struggler they do a lot of suffering and struggle. At least at so, it appears, and this is the main ramification of self-pity. 2ndly, there is a lot of blaming, judging, and a lot of rationalizing of what is going on. For truly so if you are being a victim, blaming somebody for it, if you are being a blamer, you are being a victim of whatever you are blaming. Judging takes place in a lot of rationalizing, explaining away, excusing your self. 3rdly, you feel out of control and scared and insecure and most of the time you are in victimhood if you are indeed in self-pity. 4thly, People don’t like you. this is one of this miss conception that is going on. When being in self-pity, martyr, victim, blamer and struggler. When people help you, reach out and do something for you they are not doing it because they like you they are doing it because you are a pain in the ass and they want to get you off their back. If you are whining and feeling sorry for your self, poor me, poor me, others will do things for you for sure, others will stretch out and do things for you, go that extra mile for you but not because they respect you, not because they like you, it’s because you are a pain in the ass and a burden and they want to get you out of their reality as quickly as possible. Think about it, times you have had victims around you, people who have been whining and self-pitying, has it not been your intention to do whatever it is you can do to get rid of them, to get some freedom, to get away from them. Haven’t you cut an evening short, haven’t you gone home early, haven’t you given to a person what they want from you just to get them out of your vicinity. What do you think people think when you’re in the victim, blame, martyr or struggling hood? What do you think people go through when you are self-pitying? People who are into self-pity and use it as a lifeline think and look around at all their dear and wonderful friends, and see so many people helping them. Where in reality people don’t like you when you are in that place. You don’t like others when they are in that place but why would they like you when your in that place, because your different NO, that is one of the most profound ramifications, is people don’t like you they tolerate you and many times they get to think less of you. Victims will find themselves many times attracted to, since it works very nicely, to people who are highly egotistical and playing better than. Therefore you got Tom and Jerry’s situation. A sobbing victim and an arrogant better than egotistical person fit together perfectly. We would suggest most definitely you got some parasitic relationships forming. Victims are not liked, they are tolerated and provide for those that like to feel better than Negative Reality Creations Can Be Seen As Either Self-pity Or Self-importance. We Need To Admit, Recognize And Acknowledge We Have Self-Pity, Then The Healing Begins. If We Deny Self-Pity, Healing Self-Pity Becomes Very Difficult. We Then Usually Lock our selves into Self-important The Other Side Of The Pendulum Of Self-pity. All problems or any problem that forms in your reality stem from one of these two sources Self-Pity Or Self-importance. That may be difficult at first to understand, but if you stop and look at it, not a hypothetical problem but a real problem in your life. That you or others absolutely have, that if you take a hard long look at it you will come to the same conclusions. That every problem, has at its baseline a complication with self-pity or self-importance. IF you do evaluate it, upon closer evaluation you will discover something else. That is that self-pity and self-importance can be reduced to a single concept. For truly self-importance is really generated from self-pity as well. Self-importance becomes a problem. When you feel important but no one appreciates it, or more specifically, no one appreciates you as good enough. Then I’m great but no one appreciates me, poor me, self-pity begins. That may be a statement made in general or it can be a specific statement. Look at how fantastic I am, look at how successful I am, look how far I have come, etc., and my mother and father they don’t appreciate it. Poor poor me. This can also go for healers, we push our selves, we work on our selves, we fine-tune our selves, we assist clients after clients, we witness miracle healings, we do write up’s every day, we do weekly videos, we are willing and ready to heal, we feel on top of it all and we say look at me, look at what I can do, but to only have constant attacks, facebook block us, family disown us, people call us cult leaders, we get hate mail, negative alien attacks, we get worn out, sick, defeated, hopeless, helpless and then we go to self-pity poor me mode , no one wants me, I’m not a good healer, no one cares about healers, the world is too asleep to acknowledge us healers, what’s the point, no one cares any way, poor poor me. Self pity pit. The seed for all problems than can be seen is a manifestation of self-pity even self importance. Let’s Look At And Discuss The Various Causes Of Self-Pity, Why People Would Feel Self-Pity How Self-Pity Is Taught And Encouraged From A Wide Range Of Different Sources From Parents, Society, Educational Systems, The Government And Religion, ETC. *First of you are taught as children by your parents, by their example in many cases and by their words, that world is a really terrible and scary place out there and you better be frightened of it and you better feel sorry for your self for one day you will have to deal with it. *You also learn from a society that gives you various messages of underdogs and top dogs and a list of people who have tried and failed, other people who struggled through life, others who gave up before they even started, ones that never made it, ones that did not succeed with their hobbies and passions, ones that were homeless due to following their dreams, etc. There has been a great value placed upon the struggler, the challenge from rags to riches, and very little emphasis on the easy who have successful lives and therefore, society encourages and pampers its victims. *The educational system, not the education but the content of what you learn, the way you are learning it and at times the ones that are teaching it to you are giving examples of victimhood. Many teachers feel under Paid, under-appreciated, overworked, etc. This message gets communicated to the student. Therefore, despite the subject matter, when you look up to a teacher through elementary, junior high and high school years, you get very clear messages it’s admirable to be a victim and it is admirable to have self-pity. *The government as well basis much upon victimhood and martyr hood, you can’t take care of your self if you are a poor person, you can’t do it if your poor, you cant deal with your self, you need us to do it for you. You need our welfare and disability just to make it. We also, give our power away to the government and say yes the world is tuff and scary, we need the government for our sovereignty and protection. The government is right we can’t make it without them. *Also, religion very strongly indicates self-pity, the eastern and western religious philosophy is based upon the idea of self-pity, suffer, pain, struggle. Much of eastern philosophy, as well as western philosophy, is based upon the martyred Saint and in this particular regard, it is the e-pit-ome of ( a person that is typical of the feature of a whole class), Spirituality in your life. Many times the nobility of struggle, the martyred, the victim Saint. We are also, taught Christ suffered on the cross and you need to suffer for him dieing for your sins. Seeing christ suffering in the cross portrays suffering is admirable and we should all suffer because of christ sacrificing his life and we should suffer to get approval and acceptance into heaven. Also, Religion and Spirituality both suggest the nobility of struggle, the long-suffering, the long and lonely road, the spiritual path is a lonely path one must suffer the slings and arrows of other people’s resentments and judgments, etc. You learn, to Spiritually grow and or to be Spiritually advanced one needs too or one is supposed to be detached. You interpret detachment quite differently. In your attempts to become detached to prove your Spirituality you cut off and deny your emotions. When your emotions are denied they have to come out some way. *One of the most effective ways is through self-pity. Poor me someone did this to me just look at what they did or did not do to me or for me. Whereas if I could just get angry, express the anger, and express the true feelings that are there then I would not have to feel self-pity. We tend to want to control our unhealthy anger when we are Spiritually growing, to not allow our self to express it in any way that hurts us or another. We tend to feel above our unhealthy anger towards someone. However, we do tend to turn to self-pity instead, this always happens to me, no one cares about me, why can’t I find someone who cares as I do, why can’t I get ahead, why am I always going backwards, why don’t they care, where is their integrity, where is their commitment, where is their responsibility etc. We get stuck in self-pity refusing to express unhealthy anger. When all we have to do is express and release our built-up anger in a healthy way. As a spiritual being, you are allowed to express anger, you are here to experience the richness of emotions. So many times the bi-product of spiritual detachment is that people find themselves inadvertently in a place of self-pity. You see, can’t help feeling. People say they are out of touch with their emotions And in a sense they truly are but they are not out of touch with feeling. People feel whether they like it or not. If you are not allowed to feel then what is going on, what happens in that sense is you will undoubtedly feel self-pity Another Way Self-Pity Is Taught And Encouraged Into Our Society Is We Are Taught To Not Be Egotistical And Self Centered. From The Time You Were A Child You Are Taught You Are Suppose To Share, Assist, Be Kind, Help And Give To Another And Don’t Be So Conceded And Self-Centred. You see, Maybe in school, your teachers and classmates labelled you the very smart one, goody two shoes, the teacher’s pet, to smart for your own good, he/she always gets an A, oh he/she always has their homework done on time, Sits in the front row close to the teacher, they always go the extra mile, but at the same time, others may say you are very self-centred, only cared about your self, stuck up, conceded, self centerd and egotistical. Or Another one, is the label of you not being a quick learner, slow at understanding, or the stupid kid, the one that does not focus, can’t pay attention ADHD kid, always gets a C, D or F and this type of person then tends to keep to themselves and instead plays too much with toys or in fantasy and daydreaming. For me, I failed grade two and right away I felt left behind and left out. Therefore, you learn very early if you are a fast learner or a slow learner, smart kid or a dumb kid, or if you are going to be involved with the human potential movement or not. We Are taught that you should not have an ego and therefore, to feel good about your self without self-pity, without being a victim, or a martyr, without blaming or struggling, without competing and or rescuing. Just be happy and put a smile on your face. Smacks very close to what others would refer to as ego and therefore out of fear of ego it is healthy to have self-pity. The ego and fear of ego very strongly cause a lot of self-pity in people’s lives. Is what is believed. That is totally false but that is what is believed. Also, the ego it’s self, the ego that says let me do it for you, the ego that says do not rely on your own instinct, don’t rely on your own intuition, don’t rely on your mind conscious, inner child, the magical child within, or higher consciousness, etc., rely upon me your ego. The ego will say let me get you through life. The ego will say you are incapable of leading your life so let me do it for you and most of us but nut all give all our power to their Ego. Furthermore, The ego wants you to feel sorry for your self, the ego wants you to throw your self off balance, throw in the towel and give up and blame another for how things aren’t working out for you. When you are thrown off balance in the living of your life the ego can then take full control of your life. You see, When you are full of self-pity the ego can stay in control. The ego loves a person who lives in the blamer, martyr, struggler and victim and especially a person that mixes this with guilt, fear, shame, doubt, unhealthy suppressed anger, addictions, etc, the ego your limited ego then has full power and control over every area of your life. If you are living in self pity or any other limited emotion then you are living in the Ego a add lect of your self. Transform your limited self, by healing and unencumbering your self, forgive others and your self, and then rise into your soul power self pity free. Another Way Self-Pity Is Taught And Encouraged Into Our Society Is The Traditional Stereotypical Masculine And Feminine Sexual Role And The Package You Tend To Adopt In Your Childhood, Adolescents And Into Adult Hood Contains The Ingredients Of Self-Pity. IF You Have Any Insecurity To Your Role Of Masculinity Or Feminity It Is Going To Be Very Easy To Take The Entire Package, self-pity And All And Then Take It In As Your Identity Sexually. In our society, The Traditional male role is to be the protector, the provider, the supplier, the expectation of a man, the breadwinner, and within that the man is overworked, usually underpaid, harassed, usually full of negative ambition, tiered, resentful, a go-go attitude till the achieved outcome is met, full of self-pity influence. Look how hard I work for the family, I have to bust my ass every day to make the ends meet. Can’t you see how hard I work for you? No matter what I do I can never get ahead. The male may not feel worthy of a harmonious relationship or feel they even deserve to be here due to not being a good provider for the role a male must play in the family. Now a days this is changing where the man also stays at home part time, does part time or full time work, helps out around the house, cooks, bakes, cleans, sews, and helps out with the kids. In our society, the traditional women role, the image of being a woman, is the compliant one, the obedient one, the expectation of a female in our society, the quiet one, to look pretty for your husband, woman are the Sexual objects, the long-suffering, cleaning, cooking, to stay home with kids in the house, constant supervision of kids, have to marry, etc., the power of the woman is to suffer in silence type of philosophy. However, Now a days This is also changing in our new society as well, to a woman taking on the role of being the provider, the bread winner, works hard for her money, the overachiever, the working mom, the go-getter and competing in the market with men. Now a days Women have contraception pills and better education which gives them greater control over their body such as when they want to give birth and Women are not dependant on the man as much any more. There still is gender roles wrapped up in cultural inequitable standards though. With the femine and masculine roles changing in our current society and the traditional roles still playing out at the Same time, creates a new reality of cultural gender roles and traditional roles for both sexes. The main point here is If either one of the sexes can not fulfill there role society has placed on to them they fill with self-pity, I can’t do it, I can’t get it done on time, it’s too hard, I make to many mistakes, I’ll fail, I’ll never get a day off, it’s un fare, I work hard for my money, I’m no good at anything, I’ll never meet anyone if I don’t have a good-paying job, etc. Therefore, If you have any insecurity about your role of masculinity or feminity it is going to be very easy to take the entire package of the seeds and roles of self-pity and all and then take it in as your identity sexually. A very strong reason people would find themselves in a self-pity capacity in one form or another. To Recognizing self-pity in our society we have to acknowledge the hidden expressions of self-pity. These are perhaps more difficult to see amongst us but not impossible if you know what to look for. They go as follows ,The silent Competitor, Ego Pamper and or the Rescuer and or Saviour. Are You The Silent Competitor Type Of Self Pity Person. The Silent Competitor sees someone do something, does not say a thing but they think to themselves. I could have done that better, I could have said that better, I could have acted it out better and or more effectively than them. The person that did whatever it was that was being done gets praised, gets acknowledgment, gets the recognition of some sort, the silent competitor does not, after all, they have been silent and they feel sorry for themselves poor me. They got the recognition even though I could have done it better. They got the prize even though I could have done a better job. They made the money even though I could have done it better. Poor me is hidden in there. The silent competitor wants recognition and acknowledgment equal to the person who does the task at hand just because they think so, even though they have not proven in any capacity that they can do it as well or better. You may find your self, from time to time feeling that role of the silent competitor. An example is seeing someone lead a seminar, give a speech, write a book or article, do videos, build a house, run a business, cook or bake, or something or anything, etc., and they will say to themselves I could probably do it better, actually, I know I can do it better. I could have written that better, said that more effective, I would have presented it better, I could have just did it better all around. They say I should be making the money they are making, I should be getting all eyes trained on me, I should be receiving all the acknowledgments and rewards they are receiving. Poor me. How many of you do this, silently compare and compete your self with others, healers, book writers, leaders, people who do youtube videos, etc. Self-pity wrapped up very clearly in that arena. Ego Pamper And Self Pity (I Am Feeling Sorry For My Self For Taking Any Responsibility In The First Place). The ego pamper is the individual involved in growth yes, a capacity to move forward, expanding in the spiritual self, evolving in your self, etc, but they are doing so to make up for their self-pity or difficulties. The ego pamper, Many will find themselves in this position one time or another in their life This person who has a deadline to meet, a book to write, a paper to publish, a video to do, a project to get together, etc., by the end of the week, decides to love themself at the beginning of the week but does not meet the deadline of the project. Maybe there is a project someone is asking for you to do, or a task a boss wants you to do, or a friend who wants you to do something important for them, or your partner or lover who wants you to finish something or a project you want to to do to expand your self. You may ask this person why did you not meet the deadline, well I’m learning to love my self, to appreciate myself, to put my needs first, take care of my self first, etc., I have been a victim before of other people’s demands and expectations and I’m not going to be a victim of their demands anymore, Which Means I Am Feeling Sorry For My Self. This is Because I Have To Reach Responsibilities And Deadlines I Have Agreed On With Other People. The ego pamper is the individual who decides I’m going to take care of my self at other people’s expense. I made a mistake, I did something wrong and before I would feel sorry for my self and become a victim, maybe the overachiever, or seek approval and acceptance of others, etc., but I am not going to become a victim about it anymore and I am not going to take responsibility either. Poor me It means several unnecessary parenthetic remarks of (I am feeling sorry for my self for taking any responsibility in the first place., Why did I say I would or can do this when I can’t, it’s too hard, I just can’t, no one taught me how, I have to heal and mend my self before I can learn or apply my self to new growth. I have to heal and love myself more before I can heal others, etc. Poor me. Out of self-love, I refuse to take responsibility, by taking care of my self, I divert my responsibility to another, breaking my commitments, lying, being dishonest, whichever works best. The ego loves to sabotage the self and then when you awake the next day the ego will say I have to feel sorry for my self for sabotaging myself, I am not ready to assist, to learn, and grow, or shame I will always fail I am wrong, or guilt I can’t do it I might get it wrong, or fear of the unknown and old fears and new fears, etc, I have to re-learn to love myself before I will continue. Poor me. Out of attempting to be self esteeming I deny my self self-respect out of attempting to be self-respect I deny my self-esteem. A Self Pity Saviour Person Is When You Are Bound, Determined And Your Mission In Life Is To Save Or Rescue Other People Whether They Want To Be Saved Or Not. Just look at them, they need saving. Internalized Or Hidden Self-Pity Is The Rescuer Or The Saviour Implies Annihilation. You See If You Trying To Rescue People, Even If You Are “Successful At Rescuing Them” You Will Always Get Annihilated. We are not talking about religious saving, we are talking about spiritual metaphysical human potential saving or life rendering saving. There is a feeling amongst the saviour and rescuer in many cases believing that they are better than you, better than who they are trying to save. Therefore, when you are in the position of rescuing another, are you also not in a position of ego. I am up here they are down there. I am an old soul they are a new soul. The best I can do is offer them a helping hand and lift them up whether they want that hand or not. There is nothing wrong with helping people, there is nothing wrong with being supportive of people but not in a sense where the rescuer feels and thinks they are more important than the other. What is going on with you when you are in that place of being a saviour, not consistently but many times it is a feeling of self-pity or self-importance. Poor me look at how hard I have to work for them, poor me they never appreciate how I am they should appreciate what I have done for them, and what I do for them, poor me I have to take time out of my busy life in order to save them. They need saving or they need saving by me. Only I can save them. Look at everything I have done for them, can’t they see how I helped them, I went out of my way to take care of them, they would have failed or died if I did not save them, they needed saving just look at how you needed saving they can’t do it on their own. Little realizing, those of you that are professional saviours that is your life, you’re not taking time out from your life, you actually enjoy saving others that don’t know they need saving nor want to be saved. In the metaphysical concept of rescuing and saving, which is always a slaughter and it is a hidden form of self-pity. Because after you get Annilated for sure you are going to be a victim, a martyr, a blamer or a struggler, and you will fall into these. One thing I learned as a healer is I am not the healer, my client is the healer I am the conduit. If I try to rescue people and tell them I can help you let me show you and then the healing doesn’t work if they don’t want it or are as open to it. This makes you feel resentful to the other person for not taking healing seriously enough and you get upset, discouraged, angry and resentful in your self for failing as a healer. I can’t heal anyone. No one takes me seriously. I can help people but nobody wants my help. Can’t they see I can help them? Why don’t they just let me Help them I can save them? Poor me. This is a hidden way self-pity may operate in your life What I do as a healer is I patiently wait for the ones that want what I have to offer, the beauty, the wonderment and the enchantment of a Healed you. Healing works best when the client wants and is willing to heal than for me to come in with self-pity and self-important righteousness of I can save you let me save you. They may say no I don’t need healing and you will go yes you do let me show you why you are broken and need healing. The Healing Is Working The Truth Of The Matter Is, You Do Create Your Own Reality, Truthfully And Completely, There Is No If, Ands Or Buts, There Is No Hidden Lines There. The Very Paradox Of Creating Your Own Reality Play Very Intricately In The Problem Of Self-Pity, You Have Made A Determination To Create A Reality Where You Can Have An Impact On People And Where People Can Have An Impact On You. IF you can understand, yes you create it all and you created a phenomenon, where In people can have an impact on you and you can have an impact on people. That is what you brought about, that is what you created. When you deny that and try to pretend that people have an impact on you only and you have an impact on them only then you feel sorry for your self. When you try to pretend nobody has an impact on you, that it is only you, you create your own reality pure and simple nobody does anything to you, etc., you are going to feel self-pity. Many in the human potential movement use this concept totally and completely. They say since you create your own reality I can not make you angry. Therefore, whatever I want to do to you, I can hit you, kick you, punch you, insult you, accuse you, etc., but you do not have a right to get angry at me, you do not have a right to accuse me of anything because you and only you create your own reality, you created me doing that to you. Therefore, I did not have an impact on you only you had an impact on your self. Usually, that works one way, if you do something to me, I can accuse you of all kinds of terrible things and deeds of you not taking care of me, not honouring me, not respecting me, not loving me, etc. But none the less it is a problem because I can not have an impact on you because you create your own reality. You can not have an impact on me because I create my own reality. Therefore, if you tell me to grow if you tell me to change if you tell me to not treat you in that capacity I do not have to listen to you. If you say my behaviour is hurting you, I don’t have to listen to you because in my reality it is not hurting you, therefore I don’t have to deal with it. All of this sounds very good and intellectually perhaps very encouraging to some but certainly not to all. But what it produces is self-pity. You have done something to me, you have just hurt me, you hurt me emotionally but because I create my own reality I kicked my self emotionally, poor me, it gets trapped because I am trapping my own emotions because I am pressing and repressing my own emotions and self-pity in a process. And there seems to be very little alternative but to feel sorry for your self. The only way it does not feel self-pity is when you accept both paradox sides of the truth. You can have impact on other people and other people do have impact on you and you are creating your complete entire reality. Then you can liberate your self from self pity. If you deny this you get stuck in victim martyr and self pity. Accepting one half or the other half leaves you in self-pity. The same place you began What Do You Think People Think When You’re In The Victim, Blamer, Martyr Or Struggling Hood? What Do You Think People Go Through When You Are Self-Pitying? You May Be Afraid You Can Not Handle The Responsibility That You Know You Must Be Accepting. It Is Easy To Fall Into A Self Pity Place When You Avoid Responsibility. It’s comfortable and people that frequently lounge and relax in that particular place in their reality are doing so because they enjoy it. It is a place you can manipulate through weakness, not by being strong and scaring people with your strength but by scaring people with your weakness. This is where you manipulate and it’s comfortable and it has worked and you have not seen a better reason or a better way to manipulate and therefore I think I will just hang onto it. This causes the state of self-pity combing with the many other reasons, one will stay in self-pity or variations of them. It is what causes the self-pity that many of you are feeling, has occasionally felt, and are sure you never felt, but these causation factors do operate. Self-pity Arises When The Fear Of Responsibility Arises And The Ramifications Of Self-pity Are Quite Obvious. Firstly, The victim, the martyr, the blamer, the struggler they do a lot of suffering and struggling. Indeed the ego pampers the competitor, the saviour, the struggler, the suffering, etc. At least at so, it appears, and this is the main ramification of self-pity. Secondly, there is a lot of blaming, judging, and a lot of rationalizing of what is going on. For truly so if you are being a victim, blaming somebody for it, if you are being a blamer, you are being a victim of whatever you are blaming. Judging takes place in a lot of rationalizing, explaining away, excusing your self. 3rdly you feel out of control and scared and insecure and most of the time you are in victimhood if you are indeed in self-pity. 4thly people don’t like you. People don’t like you, this is one of these miss conceptions that is going on. When being in self-pity, martyr, victim, blamer and struggler. When people help you, reach out and do something for you they are not doing it because they like you they are doing it because you are a pain in the ass and they want to get you off their back. If you are whining and feeling sorry for your self, poor me, poor me, others will do things for you for sure, others will stretch out and do things for you, go that extra mile for you but not because they respect you, not because they like you, it’s because you are a pain in the ass and a burden and they want to get you out of their reality as quickly as possible. Think about it, times you have had victims around you, people who have been whining and self-pitying, has it not been your intention to do whatever it is you can do to get rid of them, to get some freedom, to get away from them. Haven’t you cut an evening short, haven’t you gone home early, haven’t you given to a person what they want from you just to get them out of your vicinity. What do you think people think when you’re in the victim, blammer, martyr or struggling hood? What do you think people go through when you are self-pitying? People who are into self-pity and the pay offs to self pity damsel in distress, playing victim, etc. and use it as a lifeline think and look around all their dear and wonderful friends, and so many people helping them. Where in reality people don’t like you when you are in that place. You don’t like others when they are in that place but why would they like you when your in that place, because your different NO, that is one of the most profound ramifications, is people don’t like you they tolerate you and many times they get to think less of you. Victims will find themselves many times attracted to, since it works very nicely, to people who are highly egotistical and playing better than. Therefore you got Tom and Jerry’s situation. A sobbing victim and an arrogant better than egotistical person fit together perfectly. We would suggest most definitely you got some parasitic co dependent relationships forming. Victims are not liked, they are tolerated and provide for those that like to feel better than. Releasing Self-pity Becomes Paramount In Consciously Creating A Successful Reality And Maybe Some Of You Are Locked In Self-Pity Right Now And Want A Way Out. We Need To Admit, Recognize And Acknowledge We Have Self-Pity, Then The Healing Begins. If We Deny Self-Pity, Healing Self-Pity Becomes Very Difficult. We Then Usually Lock Our Selves Into Self-Important The Other Side Of The Pendulum Of Self-Pity. In your society the word self-pity has been termed a dirty word, it is almost as bad as making insults. You can go up to a person and say you look angry, hostile, tiered, filled with resentment, upset, etc., and all though they may not agree with you they will at least give you permission to say so. Now go up to a person and say you look, feel and seem to be full of self-pity. You may get backlash, hurtful remarks back, a cold shoulder, a punch back, an evil glare, or how dare you to say that to me, etc., for truly so those are fighting words in our level of conscious society. By understanding self-pity, you can understand others who are in self-pity and you can understand your own self-pity and your particular experiences in self-pity. Maybe you use to feel self-pity but now you do not. However, maybe there are things going on in your life right now that may fall into the areas of self-pity. In the reality of it all, we all have problems, maybe some are self-pity. Usually, problems in our life are a direct result or bi-product, in some form or another a manifestation of self-pity. Maybe some of you are locked in self-pity right now and want a way out. In psychology recognizing the problem of self-pity is half the battle. IF you are caught in the child, if you are caught in the adolescent, if you are caught in the critical parent part of yourself for sure that will produce self-pity. For truly the child and adolescent can not fully adequately deal with the adult reality that is moving very rapidly. Sure the critical parent part of the script, who is overwhelmed, overworked, the overburdened parent is self-pity. You see, can’t help feeling. People say they are out of touch with their emotions And in a sense they truly are but they are not out of touch with feeling. People feel whether they like it or not. If you are not allowed to feel then what is going on, what happens in that sense is you will undoubtedly feel self-pity. First, we need to admit, recognize and acknowledge we have self-pity, then the healing begins. If we deny self-pity, healing self-pity becomes very difficult. We then usually Lock our selves into self-important the other side of the pendulum of self-pity. Secondly, these write up’s are the second part of self-pity, understanding it, healing it through revelation, releasing it, transforming it, and rising above self-pity. 3rdly, . Let us look at your self-pity together and in a private detailed healing session with me, we will release your self-pity through healing corrections. DM if you would like to be released from your self-pity traps. Self-pity is not a dirty word, recognizing, how it operates and healing from self-pity is a positive place to be. The seed for all problems than can be seen is a manifestation of self-pity. To get out of self-pity you have to be authentic and express your individuality. Being Authentic is your home. Come home to your Authentic Self. Expand on aspects of your Authentic self no one can take away from. You want to express, you want to grow, you want to share then be your authentic self. How can you share more of your authentic self? I am free of my self-pity. I am free of my self-pity. 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Thank you Chris Parr

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