Author Archives: Chris

About Chris

My teachings are not religious, for religion is dogmatic, controlling, restrictive and very judgemental. My teachings are from my learning, my experiences, my knowledge, from the time passed I have been here. I Assist you in rising out of your encumbered self into your redefined self. I will teach you that your life is not limited to this plane. Multidimensional beings we are indeed grand one.

The Third Thing That Really Opens The Door For Negative Ego Is The Fear Of Responsibility And Accountability. 

The Third Thing That Really Opens The Door For Negative Ego Is The Fear Of Responsibility And Accountability.


The Pressure Is As Everything Is Going Faster You Don’t Ever Want To Be Wrong Or You Never Want To Make A Mistake.


New Daily Inspirational Write-Up For Monday, June 20


And again your society in its technological advancement and its speed is in such scary now to make mistakes. It is scary enough.


We have used an analogy of those high-speed races.

Bonneville Speedway is an area of the Bonneville Salt Flats northeast of Wendover, Utah, that is marked out for motor sports. The speed racers can go 900 km an hour or as fast as they want to. They draw this line with paint and then they are driving these cars as fast as they can and they have to stay right on the line. Because if they vary even the slightest little bit, the variants of the speed are such that they crash. They go way off course. Well, when you are driving your automobile when you driving 120 km an hour you have to be more alert than when your driving 50km an hour and indeed when driving 50km an hour you can make the wheel go back and forth and correct very easily. At 120 km an hour, such a move like that would be a disaster or at least scary as hell.


Well, the same is very much true in your reality it’s going faster now, it is going faster and we would suggest here part of that is because of the conscious intervention in the evolution of consciousness. But nonetheless, it’s going faster. Therefore it is scary to make mistakes.


The answer is to increase the amount of willingness not to deny it. Whereas you are dealing in your reality, you are going to make mistakes and what might have been fifty years ago a little mistake in this and this time may be a large mistake. Whereas fifty years ago if you blew it you could start over again more easily but you can still do that today but it’s not as simple.


The point here is that mistakes can be more departmental but they are going to still happen, but the answer is not to deny the existence, to pretend it won’t be there, to deny the responsibility and the accountability. But rather to be more quick and alert to them. To be faster to respond to a mistake. A mistake can cause you a great deal of damage now that might not have occurred previously. Therefore, you need to be more aware of mistakes now than ever not less. You have to be quick to catch them and correct them now.


Then again there is a trade-off there because just as it is going faster and you can make more mistakes so it is things can go right and the rightness affects you more quickly also. Therefore, the benefits of your reality happen more rapidly just as the mistakes of your reality can happen more rapidly. Therefore, to be more attuned and alert is what is perhaps required or rather asked but the lack of that opens the door wide and invites the ego In a Big neon sign saying enter here.


Because it can cover, that is one thing ego is good at, covering, rationalizing and denying anything you don’t want to believe or hear or understand.


Chris Parr

Sirian And Lemurian Wisdom And Teachings

Galactic Council Of Light And Love

Agartha Shambhala




Ego Is Part Of Your Personality, That’s Why To Kill It Is In A Sense to Lump Off A Chunk Of Your Personality. 

Ego Is Part Of Your Personality, That’s Why To Kill It Is In A Sense to Lump Off A Chunk Of Your Personality. 


The Ego When Threatened With Being Killed Does Everything In Its Power To Go Under Ground, Or Rise To The Occasion To Over Come And It Has. 


New Daily Inspirational Write-Up For Monday, June 13


To see what the ego looks like, how it functions and to get a grip on handling it. Either through releasing it or through busting it


To look at ego what is its nature, what is its origins, what is its messages and we will go from there. There is personality, characteristics traits and temperament. That personality is the interaction between temperament and character.


We would suggest here to go further and talk about the temperament in terms is set and you determine your temperament which you will have with you throughout your life.


 There are four basic character functions or four basic character types, which are both positive and negative output and you can change that, you can change from the negative components of your particular set of characters to the positive or you can change one set to another. You have that option. 


But as far as temperament is concerned you will approach it similarly and you will keep that temperament through the rest of your life. It was chosen that way by yourself.


We would suggest ego is part of your personality, it most definitely is part of your personality that’s why to kill it is in a sense to cut off a chunk of your personality. We do not encourage nor does your ego. We would suggest it does not think Kindly of you when you talk about killing it and things like that. It won’t stand still for you to get close enough to even attempt to kill it. So why don’t you just stop trying to kill it and rather get rid of it and have it function properly either through releasing or busting?


A rather easy approach is to talk about killing, It is rather a simpler approach to talk about killing the ego most definitely and very much think of it in that particular regard the part of you that in your reality is functioning and realizing that there are things your doing wrong and things you want to change about your self, etc. As a result of that of wanting to change, well we will succeed by cutting this part off of you. If you walk funny, take your legs off that will solve that. You wouldn’t very much like that nor go on for a cure. Simply the ego, when threatened with being killed, does everything in its power to go underground, or rise to the occasion to overcome and it has.


Whereas in a sense if you were to approach your own broken leg for example that is a disability that you have with the idea of let’s harness it, set it in a cast, that’s cause it to heal, let’s change it do it can be healthy again. Indeed You would want to do that similarly the ego will cooperate more fully if you indeed go after it to correct it rather than to eliminate it.


Chris Parr 

Sirian And Lemurian Wisdom And Teachings 

Galactic Council Of Light And Love 

Agartha Shambhala 





Masters This Is How You Create Reality, This Is What Makes You Preservable, Who’s Going To Preserve You, You. 

Masters This Is How You Create Reality, This Is What Makes You Preservable, Who’s Going To Preserve You, You.


Now The More You Open The Door The More Psychic And Sensitive You Are Going To Become And The More You Are Going To Be Able To Perceive What Others Can’t Hear Or Know.


New Daily Inspirational Write Up For Weds June 8


It’s that attitude that will close the door to these greater realities that are going to come about because it judges everything. The reason that it does is that is why you got up and left what you were doing it was a judgment instead of a master.


If you master the dream you master opening the door and keeping it open to the being behind the door. Projecting the dream and allowing the dream to dissolve into its pool of mind.


The more you are capable of doing this the more fantastic the dreams your going to have and the more fantastic the realities.


Masters this is how you create reality, this is what makes you preservable, who’s going to preserve you, you. But how you do that is that you have to be and must be the creator of your own destiny. The list you write up on what you want to change in your life maps your new life.


When all of these things have come to pass you are going to upgrade that list. Your going to add to it your going to find your weaknesses and your going to dig them out of you. Because they inhibit greatness, they inhibit greatness and cause arrogance, arrogance and pride a body’s mind consciousness is a tragedy.


Fools are fools who hold on to their small little self that says it determined themselves. Get rid of them and now you know how to do it.


If you are lazy you put it on your list I am full of energy I do my work swiftly and completely and thoroughly. Add that to the list and I assure you on a matter of hours you will be inclined to do everything. Everything you want to be able to do you will have the capacity to do.


Now the more you open the door the more psychic and sensitive you are going to become. The more you open the door the more you are going to be able to perceive what others can’t hear. You will be able to know what others can’t know because you are making with the deeper mind that the deeper mind is the dream state and the dream state creates the reality. The more you focus into dreaming and preparing your list and creating reality the greater your sensitivity will grow.


Do You understand?


Chris Parr

Sirian And Lemurian Wisdom And Teachings

Galactic Council Of Light And Love

Agartha Shambhala



To Release The Nobility And What We Mean By That Is to Stop Hiding Behind Your Own Negative Ego.

  1. To Release The Nobility And What We Mean By That Is to Stop Hiding Behind Your Own Negative Ego.

Your Ego Is Weak, Your Ego Is Naive, Your Ego Is Immature and And Your Ego Is Dumb But Because It Has One drive To Screw You Up And It Does It Well.

New Daily Inspirational Write Up For Monday May 30

You don’t understand my ego is so strong, manipulative, controlling, sneaky and it’s so crafty, if I don’t tippy-toe and watch everything I make my ego will get me for surely. That’s your nobility.

Your ego is weak, your ego is dumb, your ego is naive and your ego is very immature. Well, what are you saying I’m dumb, I’m naive, I’m immature and my ego can outsmart me? No. To answer that question before your ego has a chance to answer it? No. We are not saying that at all. What we are saying is your ego is weak, your ego is naive, your ego is immature and your ego is dumb but because it has one drive it does it well.

You see if you take a dumb person. Way ever you define that as. A very immature, a very naive, a very weak person you can teach them one task and they can do it very well. There one task is to screw you up. And that after these 20,30, 40, 50 or 60 years it has, learned to do very efficiently but still dumb, still weak, still immature and still naive.

Now you on the other hand you are doing thousands of tasks, you are much more intelligent, much more mature, much more experienced and much more strong. But you’re trying to do all these tasks and your ego is doing one.

Therefore, to you appears and besides that, you want to use your ego you want to pretend it’s a wise, crafty, evil force that can outsmart you at every turn that’s the nobility and that’s the lie.

You need to start telling yourself the truth my ego isn’t doing it to me I am using my ego to do it. Just as it’s important, or the spouse of an alcoholic, to realize that your alcoholism isn’t destroying my life I am using alcoholism to destroy my own life and when I’m ready to change I will.

So with your ego, I am ready to stop pretending it’s running my life, it doesn’t run my life anymore but you see those of you who want to say when you hurt somebody, oh it was my ego that hurt you, it was my ego that got arrogant, it was my ego who went into a martyr, it was, my ego that got punishing. Cut the nobility. I did it, I got arrogant, I got punished, I got manipulative, I got controlling and when I got caught all of a sudden I saw it was my ego. Funny I didn’t see it was my ego when I didn’t get caught though, funny that didn’t occur to me when I am getting away with the manipulation but as soon as I got caught, it was my ego. That’s it yes that’s it it’s my ego who is running my life. My ego did this. This isn’t me it’s my ego. But I would have kept doing the manipulation as, long as I didn’t get caught.

In that end to recognize I’m using it, my ego is weak. Yes, it got in the way of my meditation, yes it kept me from my visions, dreams and advancement. I am who is a mature person sitting around with the air-conditioning, my ego did it again but guess what I can move. Recognize your ego and it’s weak son of a got me again. Recognize it’s a game of a weak ego because it plays the same game. That’s another thing to realize. The same dialogue that my ego tells me when I was a kid is the same I say now. Maybe a different vocabulary but it’s the same message because who only knows one trick or two or three.

To cut the nobility and realize I am using my ego. Yes, it may be there and that works once clear it out and get on with it by cutting the nobility, admitting the truth and recognizing that it’s weak. You are all going to have a negative ego from time to time. The Ego is limp, spent and has no more, like a teabag, once it’s deluded throw it out. See your ego on other formats such as this tiny little thing, rather than having your ego have this deep voice that speaks to you, this giant of energy shrinks it to the chimp monk voice, tiny. Just a tiny ego. But if you see it as this massive force that days these things Inna deep scary voice. Well, come on shrink it down to a little pipsqueak of a thing. A subtle voice that you can blow over. Snap it in that sense out of the park.

My Ego got in the way. My ego is starting to churn up, who is starting to pester me like a woodpecker let it flip into its little voice and then get out of here, blow it away, snap it away what ever.

Chris Parr
Sirian And Lemurian Wisdom And Teachings
Galactic Council Of Light And Love
Agartha Shambhala

What Kind Of Ego Do You Got?

What Kind Of Ego Do You Got?

Release Your Ego And Allow It To Grow Up.

New Daily Inspirational Write Up For Sunday, May 29

What we mean by that is to identify which stage your who is in Infantile, teenage image-based or adult did you get enough opportunity in life.

Is your ego an Infantile Ego is that what your ego measures everything by am I getting enough or is the answer no I am never getting enough. Is that what you do or are you one of those people that can’t help to see if you got the biggest portion, can’t help but see if they talk to you as much as they talk to them, can’t help but wonder if you’re getting enough attention, time, energy, am I getting enough, you look at your salary don’t measure it by is it enough for me but is anybody getting paid more than me. Is your ego Infantile did it stop functioning in that time from 0 to 7 or 7,9,20,11,12,13,14, in that Infantile stage?

To know whether your ego is in the image stage ego. What’s important to you I don’t care what’s true how do I look, am I impressing people whether I know anything or not do I look like I do, do I have the right stuff, the right car, wife, house, tools, clothes, the right attitude, do you use the right thing, or am I doing everything properly, to look good, to look smart, to be enough am I being enough in that sensing with my image. Am I performing right, walking right, talking right, is that where your ego got stuck? Is that what your ego is constantly assessing. Is that the context, the backdrop against what you measure and compare yourself? I got this but they got a bigger, poor poor me. I should have been the first, I wasn’t good enough. I just got a promotion but why didn’t I get it a month ago, why not two months ago. I got one but they got something they shouldn’t have gotten anything it should have been only me. Good enough am I getting enough or am I good enough.

Or are you in the adult ego did I get enough opportunities in life? That place of being the panic like you are running some kind of race that you got to be perfect, you got to be performing To grow enough, change enough, fast enough. Ate you constantly pushing yourself in that regard. Are you ever letting yourself appreciate and value and trust and love and be intimate with your self or is it always a mad dash, oh come on I have to get this workshop so I can get to the next one, I got to finish this so I can move onto the next one? Yaya I got that now let’s move on. Let’s talk about the next topic. I have to grow faster and faster. Can’t explore in any depth I just got to skim the surface. The kind of person that just reads the digest column of the paper and that’s enough. So I can say two words on the topic whether money, global, war, etc have to have a quick response on them but no time to look at them in depth because I have to go go. In that Sense doing everything or at once in that grown-up but immature ego.

Do I have a positive ego, no you don’t but you don’t have to assess it to that end that’s not the one you’re trying to break from, that’s the one you’re going to let grow into and you will in time have a positive ego? Even the negative ego won’t be so negative as it used to be that’s for sure. But I got to let my ego be what it is. I would hate to think I have an Infantile Ego. What kind of ego do you got. You got an image-based ego well so do I. Because I don’t want to be less than my Infantile Ego. Let it be what it is

And to that end work with the child or the adolescent or what we call the young adult the one that is the grown-up you it’s not really a spiritual adult yet but the grown-up you.

Mainly you’re going to find it fits into the categories 1 am I getting enough am I impressing enough or good enough if working with the child or the adolescent and sensing its ego and letting it have its ego and letting it develop. By releasing it. Don’t demand ego know all the answers.

You’re an infant or but a mere child. I’m going to let you be what you are and just let you deliver information so you can grow up. Take the responses so that it might grow, so that it might become more and function appropriately.

  1. Chris Parr
    Sirian And Lemurian Wisdom And Teachings
    Galactic Council Of Light And Love
    Agartha Shambhala

To Refuse To Let The Ego Handle The Context And The Form Of Your Life And Reality. Take Back That Function.

Step 2 is

To Refuse To Let The Ego Handle The Context And The Form Of Your Life And Reality. Take Back That Function.

When Your Ego Gives You Information Stop It There. The Ego Just Will Receive And That’s It No Interpretation. I’ll Decide What To Do With The Information And I’ll Decide How To Respond To This.

New Daily Inspirational Write Up For Friday May 27

Your ego gives you the information. A Scary thing is happening I’ll decide what to do with my fear. Every other time when I get scared, I get defensive and every time I make a mistake I beat myself up. But this time I’m going to choose what I do and not let my ego decide for me. Every time I get scared I attack and every time I make mistakes I give up and blame. That’s what my ego has learned to do and that’s how my ego handles it but this time I’m going to decide whether I’ll attack or give up or not thank you very much.

Doesn’t mean I’ll do the opposite I’ll decide for myself. Maybe indeed the fear is that roof support is going to collapse after I made it wrong you bet I’m running out of here, that’s just what my ego would have done would have headed head-on, no. My Ego would run but I’m going to decide I’ll head out but it’s my decision rather than my ego response of fear, blame, guilt trip, victim, etc.

In more of a real sense, there is something I wanted to talk to you about and I hope it doesn’t upset you. My Ego says they are going to talk to you because of this and because of that, totally wrong they don’t know what they are talking about, dumb stupid idiot anyway and you shouldn’t listen to anything they say.

Yes, what did you want to tell me? No, I’m not going to do that this time. I have something to tell you I hope it doesn’t make you upset. Okay, my ego wants me to but I am going to do it differently this time. Or I’m going to choose let me assess now, this person I have learned to know, loves for me and cares for me and therefore I will say, yes I said the same things but for different reasons.

So I am going to start taking back the context and content the form my reality. We have said in this way before. If someone gives you a compliment, wow you did a great job, now that is a piece of information, that’s content, so and so said you did a good job. Now I can give it to my ego okay ego you process this at which point the ego is going to say I’m better than, I am superior too or I know I did a great job I always do or the ego is going to say they are just saying that to butter me up, they are trying to use me, what do they really think, they probably think I did a lousy job, or the ego says no it’s not a good job, I could have done better, must fix mistakes, make it right, don’t do it wrong, either way, that’s giving to your ego.

Or you can take the content you did a fantastic job and you can give it to your adult. Yay, I can look at it and realize I did a really great job I am also pleased with the job and thank you very much for the feedback. Or we’ll I didn’t think I did a good job I made many mistakes but I learned from them for next time. I hear you and I appreciate that but I am having trouble seeing that I did a good job, could you elaborate on that for a bit, tell me specifically what you saw and liked or didn’t like that made it a good job. There is a difference, you see. But the content is you did a good job.

Now your ego can not take it you have to give it you either give that content to your ego or your adult. It can not snatch it away. Here is the piece of information it gobbled it up before I had a chance to decide what to do with it, no. You’re the one giving it to either your ego or to yourself. You really are wonderful person content. Now, are you going to tell your ego you figure out what that means or are you going to decide ill figure out what that means?

To understand yes I use to always give that stuff to my ego but now I am not going to. Ego can’t take it I’ve got to give it and I will not give it to it I’ll give it to me. So this second step is to be much more conscious of the content and who gets to process it me or my ego and as you know and understand that is a conscious choice make it consciously. Realize my ego can never take anything I have to give it. So now I am going to give it to me.

With this second step of refusing to play the game, we are refusing to use your rules you got to decide it.

Also to develop a closer relationship with your higher self. A closer relationship with your unconscious and subconscious mind.

That is why we are talking so much about the unconscious and we will do so much this year with write up’s dealing with that underworld and dealing with the inner world, dealing with the spiritual ancestry, dealing with the unlimited powers dealing with that depth of your unconscious and subconscious and of course always dealing with your higher self. As you heal you will have a deeper relationship with your higher self. Let go of Codependency so that intimacy with your higher self will exponentially increase.

So as you work not only to take back your own responsibility for the context and the form of your reality but also to work with deepening the intimacy with your higher self with your unconscious and subconscious mind. That gets you off the game board, that says the dance is over and I am not only moving back I’m getting off the dance floor. I am not going to wait for the next number to begin in getting off the dance floor.

Chris Parr
Sirian And Lemurian Wisdom And Teachings
Galactic Council Of Light And Love
Agartha Shambhala

How Many Of You Busted Your Ego Over And Over again And Then Beat Yourself Up Because It’s Not Gone And The Reason Is Because Of Codependency. 

How Many Of You Busted Your Ego Over And Over again And Then Beat Yourself Up Because It’s Not Gone And The Reason Is Because Of Codependency.


Ego Take Charge Of My Whole Life That’s An Oppressive Rule That Limits It From Clear Communication.


New Daily Inspirational Write Up For Monday, May 23


What’s important to understand is this Mutuality this Codependency. You have set down a number of rules for your ego. Ego takes charge of my whole life that’s an Oppressive rule that limits it from clear communication. You have diminished its capacity to function appropriately in what it would be therefore in its relation and definition of its own function of a loving relationship.


It feels it’s got to control you, your behaviours, your insistence of making it run your life you will are keeping it from growing up from being wise from being anything but weak and immature, stupid and ignorant.

And in that sensing woefully neglecting its own functions.


Therefore you end up in a codependent relationship. Then when you start heaping more power on it because of a chaotic world, because you have to be perfect, because you’re supposed to function without thinking and feeling even though it’s impossible to function without thinking and feelings. Therefore, you demand more of it. It becomes a, deeper sense of Codependency. We would suggest here that’s what goes wrong.


When did it happen? What lifetime? It happened the moment you told your ego to run your life the moment you stopped being in charge of the context and the content which for some was a year ago, five years ago, ten years ago, thirty years ago or 2 mins ago. Every time you Relinquish your power you are augmenting what could be the Codependency.


It didn’t go wrong in Atlantis and you have been suffering ever since it went wrong moments ago when you relinquished your power when you have your ego the responsibility for the context and for the form when you stopped being conscious of your reality.


Now if you can work with that we know we said a lot and we did so quite on purpose because your ego can’t follow everything we said. What. And we could get through to you.


What is the Codependency

What is the finished capacity

Sense that inability to communicate

The sense that being controlled by people’s behaviours and I am going to control theirs

The sense that exaggerated need Ig outside validation and control and that sense of Woeful self-neglect

And to realize you may have Codependency in your life as a physical being but you probably also have one with your ego.

And to get a sense of the ego and why it developed not bad or wrong

Humanity is not stupid, you are not stupid

You developed an ego for a very wise beautiful reason

You needed an eye and you needed a portal

But then you made a mistake demanding too much of it expecting it to take over the job function of running your life and it tried and try and failed and continues to fail and all the while getting angry and angry at you. Determining you’re the enemy that must be destroyed.

And then a codependency

As you let it in and realize it and then you can take the steps not to just bust your ego, tho vitally important but to end the Codependency.

How many of you busted your ego over and over again and then beat yourself up because it’s not gone and the reason is because of Codependency.


Chris Parr

Sirian And Lemurian Wisdom And Teachings

Galactic Council Of Light And Love

Agartha Shambhala




How Does Ego Operate? 

How Does Ego Operate?


If I Could Only Control My Ego I Would Be All Right, I Got To Control My Ego’s Behaviour, I Got To Keep My Ego From Coming To Work With Me, I Have To Keep My Ego From Coming Out Of Me, etc.


New Daily Inspirational Write Up For Sunday May 22



You see what has happened is that you have become Codependent now. Your ego has taken over the context. You go to someone’s house or they come to yours and they sit down and in their enthusiasm, they bump over an antique. The content the antique got knocked over and broke that’s content. The context they did in an active state, they were this and that and the other. The form is who are they, what are they, what’s going on here.


You decide the response. Yes, you can purchase a new one, don’t worry about it, let’s not let it ruin our good time, let’s go on, or move on to the other room, let’s talk some more, accidents happen, etc. When the ego takes over it says they knocked the vase over because they are hostile, because they hate you, they did it on purpose, always wrecking my stuff, leave my shit alone, they are jealous of you and all the wonderful things you have, they are jealous that you are the most loving giving person that there has ever been in all of humanity, they did it to try and punish you, to get even, yes they said it was an accident but was it, you did it on purpose didn’t you, leave my shit alone, they did it to try and make you angry, to try and get an attitude and defensiveness out of you, don’t say anything, just smile and say it’s fine, I don’t care, we will get them later, wait till we go to there house.


All ego is supposed to do is tell you the vase got knocked over and broke your suppose to do the rest. But when you give ego the job it does the rest with that kind of self-pity, blame, victim, martyr, struggler, anger, guilt trip, anxiety, etc. Then you go to their house oops quite accidentally, my ego did it, your right, your ego did do it. To get back them because six months ago they broke something in your house. I better not invite them over again they might do it again so.


All this ego stuff and that is exactly how it operates. But primarily it sees you as the enemy and all it wants to do is destroy you and you develop a codependent relationship for it Lys down strict rules that you must adhere to. You can not openly communicate and it diminishes your capacity to love.


How often have you found yourself wanting an intimate relationship and as soon as one presents itself you got all thumbs, all thick tongued and you said the most stupid things you ever said, you got totally arrogant. How many of you in that sensing, such a pattern particularly those looking for the ideal, you meet this person, you start to like them, you really want them, you find out they want you and all of a sudden your ego says you could go better if they like you someone better than her would Like you, don’t get intimate with this one, don’t commit to this one, just use it to get to someone else. Do you blow the relationship waiting for the next better one in that sense and maybe for some reason someone more wonderful comes into your reality and then you could do better. It works the same way with both sexes. Got to have a woman, got to have a man. You finally engage in a relationship and you could do better. If this guy likes me probably that who is better would. You miss judged yourself, you downplayed yourself, don’t settle for this, you can do better, maybe you can maybe you can’t but if it is your ego in that sensing it can ruin a relationship over and over again. Your pit of a relationship and You look and look and finally then bang right in the guts once again in that sensing. The ego gets you over and over again because it doesn’t permit you in its capacity and the dependency you have on it you are not permitted to participate or initiate in a loving relationship and how many of you find yourself in a place. If I could only control my ego I would be all right, I got to control my egos behaviour, I got to keep my ego from coming to work with me, I have to keep my ego from coming out of me, I have to make sure down ego, lock it up and send it home, I got to meditate 45 times, to bust and break it, lock it up and twist it around, this, and this before I can say hello. I got through that one all right. Now they ask me how I am oh God what am I going to do, I got to bust my ego, I got to smash it apart, I got to do this, that and the other. You would get exhausted, you couldn’t possibly.


But my life is a mess because your ego is in control. My ego is controlling me and I got to control my ego to change. I could grow to accept my ego, I can’t visualize because of ego, and I can’t talk to my higher self because of ego. Yes, you do let it interfere etc but you’re letting it’s not doing to you your doing it to it.


Chris Parr

Sirian And Lemurian Wisdom And Teachings

Galactic Council Of Light And Love

Agartha Shambhala




Maybe You Just Started To Crack This Egg, Of What You Are Really Doing Here And You Are Beginning For The Very First Time To Get An Awakened View Of Reality It’s Self.

Maybe You Just Started To Crack This Egg, Of What You Are Really Doing Here And You Are Beginning For The Very First Time To Get An Awakened View Of Reality It’s Self.

You Are Starting To Understand What It Means To Be A Spiritual Being And The Unseen Actions That Create The Fruit Of An Unseen Mind That Is Creating. This Is The Pursuit Of The Spiritual And That Is Why Your Here.

New Daily Inspirational Write Up For Thursday May 19

You may for the first time on your journey be putting it all together And then the light starts coming on, aww, I get it, as goose or angel sparks fill your being. Suddenly in the lights, the lights are brighter for you have mined and discovered a solution that you have been seeking for.
It Starts to be seen for once it was locked and uncertain. Solutions begin to be seen throughout your life because you are connecting you to possibilities and you have the capacity to make it possible for you are possibility and capacity.

It is all purposeful, divine and good. Maybe you just started to crack this egg, of what you are really doing here and you are beginning for the very first time to get an awakened view of reality it’s self. You are starting to understand what it means to be a spiritual being and the unseen actions that create the byproduct of the fruit of an unseen mind that it is creating. Like a vivid beautiful picture, it’s entire life we don’t see the source of the creator and this is the pursuit of the spiritual and that is why you’re here.

Spiritual then, the kingdom of heaven, divine being that you are. Is it possible to inspire, teach and initiate spiritual beings such as your self into your own possibilities without erasing the uniqueness of what they are? Yes indeed.

The more the student becomes assured of their remarkable possibilities the more colour you get for your painting of life. The more beautiful you become and the more powerful you are. Yes absolutely.

If you were to be washed of all your colour if you had to remit, meltdown and make new all your sins. If you were to give up all your experiences, if you were to give up all your failures, if you were to give up all your so-called mistakes, errors and wrongdoings. If you were to give up all your loss of love, pain and suffering. If you were to give up all your adventures, trials and tribulations you would lose colour.

The intention is why are you here in this mystery called life because you are a creator and through the lens of your mind you adjust reality according to the way you see it. In other words, you are painting and adjusting constantly life just because you are here. And what I say would diversity be if there were no dreamers that were diverse. What should a diversity of species flower and fauna, microorganisms, the appearance of viruses out of nowhere, The appearance of new species by morphing into new species? How does this happen? Is it an accident, is it some wicked treatment of nature or is it some morphing field with some presence within it. It is a morphing field with a presence within it. This is what ascension and transforming from dense 3d to 5d is a cacoon of defining moments of love, with a divine presence within, metamorphosing into a new species. You awakened master of unique expression and individuality.

Why diversity? Diversity happens from the mind of God-Goddess, Your mind of God-Goddess. You see without you and without all of the other divine beings and star seed beings here, there would be no diversity. You are diversity and you add to the unique diversity of this ever-expanding ongoingness of isness. You see there would be no evolution without diversity. There would only be the collapse of nature and its subsequent death without diversity to adapt, to change, to evolve to expand in forever.

You see, only when things are in momentum do we call momentum life. If that which is not an action is not a life. Consciousness and energy into a God Goddess into this physical form is active, God Goddess in action. Consciousness into mobility, the action is called life. You are life, ever-growing, ever-changing, ever-evolving, ever-expanding into the ongoingness of life it’s self.

When you are no longer alive your environment parishes right underneath your feet. Where you walk the sheds or landscape you created parishes and falls apart, and the strawberry, blueberry and raspberry bushes get crushed and the sweet-smelling never comes back that is an being no longer diverse. No longer rich in colour, no longer, no longer unique. If you lose that then everything dies.

Let’s come back to why it’s important that life in action is the experimental process of human beings. Enriched by an innate presence. Alpha omega which has always been. To the creation of life through you. God-Goddess in man and woman, whatever you want to call it, that this is the clothing of something Awesome. That’s working the face, that is the spark of life in the central nervous system, that is the pulse of the body its self, is the invisible that is occupying it. That is what we are you.

It is through the beauty and the gift of life that everyone begins to develop colour. Individuality from zero point on the forever platform came you and me and at first glance, we began to change. To began to modify and define our selves as uniquely different. How could that ever be right or wrong, it can’t. How can I be better and the other less, not possible. There is no such thing. You are a unique expression of life it’s self.

There are only degrees of our selves. So life spent in regret, self-pity, shame, guilt, fear, addiction, etc., how many lives is that going to take, how many more lives do you need to suffer? How many more? How many more times do you need? How many perfectly good bodies are you going to run through before you shine like a diamond and bring forth your unique expression of life? To bring forth, to realize that if you are an intentional and purposeful being. To define wisdom, one is not born with wisdom, one earns wisdom in lifetimes. Wisdom is learned through the creation and experience of reality and at the other end, we call that truth. If it goes right or wrong we then get stuck in the addictions of emotions and then never complete truth. How long do we take before we come to the truth, it is failure, success, it is the perception of right and wrong, best and better, in all of that does one experience the colour of polarity. Extreme good brings extreme bad, extreme positive brings extreme negative, extreme high is encountered with an extremely low. We only know that when we have tinkered in an environment that rewarded us with the reality we live.

Wisdom and colour are built through the richness of life. God-Goddess adjusts reality, mistakes, efforts again, renewal, we are always adjusting life. We never get wise and have truth in till we do it and our job is to do it. Colour then is to come into a body as a ball of light, swirling in a metaphysical soap bubble of bands of consciousness and energy in a code of bands that we have achieved a thought through the bands of light all the way up to our heavenly host to zero points. In those magnificent bands, we have called thought from streams of consciousness. That we have utilized and put in front of an observer in our head, to collapse energy, modify, and then ignite an environment.

When we come into a body, that code is already in us, we come to this body computer and turn it on. Then express our selves through all the central nervous system. That we are alive and vital, yet we are the force of vitality itself but we are invisible, we bring with us our colour, how much we have developed of impossible thoughts we have reached and put them together with possible thoughts and pondered them and then let them go into the environment and see what they do. Everyone here reading this, every one of you is that ball of Light, you all are. And at the heart of the orb, is the mystical being in every one of them, that’s you.

You will learn and your God Goddess or we should say the presence of you, till we better define you, and a divine presence that is always stationary it simply looks at what you put in front of it and then creates reality. You are a ball of Light, you have always been that and you are wearing your human skin suit. Your body is the fruit of your spirit and the outside environment is its work. How are you going to use it? Or create from it?

Our essence can never be seen by human eyes we only get glances or feelings, phantoms, clues, every now and then. We see the greatest in our chosen incarnation and the fruit that it bares. We are all this divine ball of light that has set the standard of time don’t you know. It is that pattern that we come into the womb and set the pattern and the code and how we modify the brain and body to fit our colour and we make this bodywork according to our will and then we wear it and through this instrument, we take nothing and make it into something in every moment.

At the best of our ignorance, we take what’s already there because we are not densely coloured and we simply move what is already there slightly, to feel off of it, to be a whole magnificent creator is knowing the truth and connecting the mystery of your body to the environment. When we don’t work with the environment we either recoil from it or we engage in. If we fall and if we make mistakes if you are right or your wrong, we can only be judged after the effect. When you become enlightened you will not do right and wrong ever again. That concept is a concept of antiquity, Ancient, never ages, etc. . That when we are fully coloured we no longer think in those terms.

Therefore, we are never casualties of our past. We are not casualties of uncertainty or ignorance to which once was we were dreaming with colour. We made all kinds of mistakes. We are embellished. Enlightenment and truth colour us. As a result, we do not do right or wrong anymore. So we can be assured of never failing, never falling, never suffering, never dieing. How is it then that good prevails, that the good in our life somehow rewarded when it is not anchored with bad. Then it is not good or bad it is an evolution, it is an adventure, it is an experience that life is thrilling and we connected it, that we made it, we have the beautiful pleasure of experiencing fauna, the flower we make, the sunset we created.

In this body, this instrument, in this beautiful body we get to do exactly that. Then we look at what we created, we have the truth from it, then we come back at the beingness of it, we are compelled to change. Change and evolution are the same things, we are to make known the unknown. We can not simply do something then leave it alone. We will do it, experience it then we will think about it. In our thinking, we can not help but evolve to the next possibility of what we just thought about. A brand new experience, life alters and changes and improves.

So what is better than the other one. It is the pulsing of life, through evolution that is what we do when we are enlightened. We never fall, we never fail, we are never right because of course, we are never wrong.

We are holily invested, incarnate, waking up, being of Light that is seeing the world in a drop of dew and God Goddess in every face. So what is it then in this part about the enigma of the lights that come while here, some times more, some times less, that appear extensively, sometimes around you, reminders, but they are beings. If you take that being and put it in your head you would feel a difference if you were still there.

Chris Parr
Sirian and Lemurian Wisdom And Teachings
Galactic Council of Light And Love
Agartha Shambhala


I Got To Kill My Ego. Haha Now Tell Us How Would You Feel If Someone Took A Contract Out On You? All Kinds Of Love You Would Want To Get Them Before They Get You. 

I Got To Kill My Ego. Haha Now Tell Us How Would You Feel If Someone Took A Contract Out On You? All Kinds Of Love You Would Want To Get Them Before They Get You.

Your Ego Will Destroy You First Before You Get It Especially When You Say I Want To Kill Or Stop My Ego. Now Your Ego Not Only Thinks Your The Enemy It Knows You The Enemy.


New Daily Inspirational Write Up For Weds May 18



So ego takes over the content. If I can write the letters to myself certainly I can respond to them too. Right. So I’ll take over the content of that higher world and while I’m at it the content of the underworld and the content of and I’ll just take the content I started within this conscious world and I’ll take over the whole bloody system. If I can control the input and the output then I can control it all.


Then you go into meditation, what’s in my subconscious mind, why am I getting all this ego yamma yamma because that’s what is there and it’s taken over the content. Well then I’ll go deeper into my unconscious mind Booga Booga there it is again, then I’ll just go down and talk to my higher self who tells me I am the most evolved person on the planet and the evil forces know this and that’s why you were fired from your job. Because the Illuminati is after you. The Dark Forces know that you can save the whole planet and therefore they must get rid of you. That’s why you censored and blocked, That’s why you got that disease, that’s why this friend of yours betrayed you because they are jealous because they know you’re the most evolved. You know you are the highest in all the worlds. No your not your the evilest the most malevolent force, your the worst of low, you are a slug in the human spiritual race, your wart of disgrace on the face of humanity, your a failure, your not working hard enough, do better, it’s all ego crap because your ego has taken over this, and this and this and the subconscious, unconscious and higher realm interpretations.


Of course, your ego is not mature or wise or strong or smart and it’s still miserably failing and now you decide this is intangible, I got to kill my ego. Haha now tell us how would you feel if someone took a contract out on you? If you knew there was murder out there a hired assassin is going to kill you would you March with glory, Are you kidding, you would make yourself scarce, you would come as visible as possible and how would you feel about the person who put the contract on you? All kinds of love you would want to get them before they get you. Personified a lot more to make the point but that’s the point when decide I’m going to stop my ego, kill it it not only thinks you’re the enemy it knows you are the enemy and it’s going to get you before you get it.


This is why your ego turns negative because of the demands you make upon it and the reason it’s sole and singular is to destroy you because it not only sees nature as the enemy it sees you as the enemy.


Therefore its primary and only role now is to destroy you. With its negative ego fantasy of destruction or negative ego fantasy of illusion either way it’s going to get you and that’s why your ego always lies to you. When you do something dumb it tells you it was the most brilliant thing ever done and everyone else is wrong. When you do something beautiful ego tells you it’s ego, arrogant, that was terrible do better.


Chris Parr

Sirian And Lemurian Wisdom And Teachings

Galactic Council Of Light And Love

Agartha Shambhala